
Radić’s texts are al­most al­ways as­sem­blages of sev­eral pieces or para­graphs that, al­though writ­ten by an ar­chi­tect, do not at­tempt to re­fer to a par­tic­u­lar pro­ject or work (and if they do, it is al­ways lat­er­ally, avoid­ing ex­pla­na­tions of the how and the why, or demon­stra­tions and apolo­gies).

Like notes from a frag­men­tary di­ary or like a re­view of a col­lec­tion of mem­o­ries, at times they share the melan­choly tone of the writ­ings by Aldo Rossi and at other times they re­call the ob­scure den­sity of John Hejduk’s po­ems.

Patricio Mardones, Foreword to Every So Often a Talking Dog Appears