
I’d like to pro­pose a name for the fol­low­ing color: Tschichold Black (which straight­for­wardly im­plies the ex­is­tence of Tschichold White, Tschichold Red, etc).

rgba(0, 0, 0, .01)
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .01)

Or per­haps it’s best re­ferred to as an ab­stract unit, in which case it may earn a proper noun: the Tschichold. It rep­re­sents a dif­fer­ence on the thresh­old of vis­i­bil­ity. Barely no­tice­ably darker.

Why is it called a Tschichold?”

Because this is the ex­pres­sion you want to make when you use it:

Fingerspitzengefühl — literally "fingertip feeling", as demonstrated by Jan Tschichold