1. 20191011


    The XFN 1.1 relationships metadata profile. Used like so:

    <link rel="profile" href="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11" />

    Which I love if only for the fact that the list of acceptable relationships includes things like ‘crush’, ‘muse’, and ‘sweetheart’. Just goes to show that if it exists, we can turn it into a spec:

    Someone with whom you are intimate and at least somewhat committed, typically exclusively. Symmetric. Not transitive.

  2. 2019103


  3. 2019102

    do not cross

    An installation art piece for any sufficiently spacious venue, but preferably a heavily trafficked public place.

    The work consists of pairs of mannequins scattered about the space. In each pair, one poses while the other holds a camera. Strung between the cameras and their subjects are bands of yellow tape — POLICE LINE, DO NOT CROSS.

    The mannequins are placed such that these lines intersect the natural pedestrian paths in the most inconvenient ways possible.

  4. 2019925


    There is so much space here, she says,
    and so little room.
    More wind than air—
    I would like to feel the breeze again.

  5. 2019920


    Radić’s texts are almost always assemblages of several pieces or paragraphs that, although written by an architect, do not attempt to refer to a particular project or work (and if they do, it is always laterally, avoiding explanations of the how and the why, or demonstrations and apologies).

    Like notes from a fragmentary diary or like a review of a collection of memories, at times they share the melancholy tone of the writings by Aldo Rossi and at other times they recall the obscure density of John Hejduk’s poems.

    Patricio Mardones, Foreword to Every So Often a Talking Dog Appears